Monday, June 7, 2010

Disneyland 2010

Our first picture with Mickey, Duncan was too tired to really notice who he was with.
Nana and Papa with Mickey
Tea cups-can't spin this one with dad, he has a sensitive stomach.
We decided last year when Duncan was in the Hospital that after his first birthday we were going to take him to Disneyland. I'm so glad we did. I know people don't think you should take kids until they are older, but it was a lot of fun. The only thing I would recommend is this-if your baby is not crawling yet go- if they are walking go- if they are just crawling don't go. That is the only complaint I have. When they are crawling that is not a good time to take them there. There is no where for kids to get down and crawl so it was a little frustrating for him.

My mom and dad went with us and I was glad they were there. Duncan is definitely a Papa's boy. He wanted my dad to carry him all the time or me. It was so cute watching him just look around at everything there. He was in awe of everything and every one. He loves other kids and older women. He loves the characters- he wasn't afraid of them at all. He met Pooh, Eeor, Tiger, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Rabbit, Chip and Dale, and Pluto and loved all of them. One of his favorite area's was Toon Town and The Bugs Life area in California Adventures. He loved everything except the Haunted Mansion, but that could have been because he was tired, but I think we'll wait until he is older to try that one again. He loved Pirates though. He just looked around at everything on each ride.

He was really good. He slept in his stroller and didn't have a hard time getting him to sleep in the hotel (i was worried about that) and he LOVED the ice cream. Justin and I both agreed that having kids at Disneyland is a lot different than going by yourselves, but it was better in a way. We were just happy to be there as a family.
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Fun in the Sun in California

My boys at the beach- I love Mission Beach, it is still one of the cleanest beaches in Cali and on the day we were there it was not crowded at all.

Getting ready to go swimming at the hotel. What a cool dude.

After our trip to Disneyland we went to San Diego for a day. We stayed at The Dana on Mission- I really like that place. We went to the beach, didn't plan it too well. We decided that the pool would be better because Duncan would want to be in the sand too much and probably eating it. That night we went and met Justin's Uncle and his partner and they took us to dinner. It was a lot of fun. We had a great time visiting with them and after we left I realized I didn't get a picture with them. Duh!! They have a miniature schnauzer (?) and she and Duncan LOVED each other. They were playing and Ava (the dog) I think seriously thought Duncan was the best toy ever. It was so fun getting to visit with them.
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Eating at Disneyland

With Papa at Minnie and Friends Breakfast-he was excited for the balloon.
He just realized Minnie was there-he loves her too!
ARRRR Pirate Duncan
He liked eating at the Blue Bayou-the hat didn't last long-didn't like hats on this trip.
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Finally meets Mickey Mouse

I love this picture. He was so happy to be with Mickey.

He loved his nose and wanted to keep playing with it.

Since Duncan was about 4 or 5 months old he has loved watching Mickey Mouse Club House on Disney. He would be fussy and it would come on and he would instantly stop what he was doing when Mickey came on screen. He still loves him and is in a trance when he watches that show. I remember saying before I had kids that I wouldn't really let them watch too much t.v., but Mickey Mouse is really educational. They teach some really good problem solving skills and math-so if he watches it know, maybe he will be good at math.

But it was so cute when we finally took him to Toontown to meet Mickey. We walked through the house and it takes you back and you have to get in a line and they take you into meet him. There was hardly anyone there so we didn't have to wait long. He was so excited when Mickey took him. He smiled and wanted to touch his nose. So cute. I am excited that he isn't afraid of the characters.
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