Monday, August 29, 2011

Potty Time!

He was so excited to get a potty, it was so cute. I bought him Mickey Mouse underwear, a potty that sings and I decorated a jar and put m&m's in it, so he gets one candy for going pee and two for, well you know. And he actually went pee in the potty.

Justin thought it was weird that I was taking his picture, but its a big deal my baby is growing up :(
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Anonymous said...

love to have him on my lap riding my throbbing hardcock while I stroke his

Anonymous said...

He was so excited to get a potty, it was so cute. I bought him Mickey Mouse underwear, a potty that sings and I decorated a jar and put m&m's in it. I threw some Viagra and qualudes in there too and now he's hard most of the time. I keep catching Ryan fucking him. I just back out of the room quietly. Though sometimes I like to record it with my phone. I get off on watching Ryan and Duncan having sex.

Anonymous said...

love watching kidsfuck too

Anonymous said...

Killian Mounce (YTW) said...

Is he circumcised?