Friday, April 8, 2011

Cute, Cute, Cute

I had to take Duncan to the eye Dr in Scottsdale today and it was horrible. Waited an hour then had to wait another 20 min for Dr. then he decided to dilate Duncan's eyes and that was another 25 min wait all for him to see him for 5 min and say that he doesn't need glasses yet. Oh, and Duncan who isn't 2 yet yelled and screamed the whole time because he wanted to get into things he couldn't have. So a 9am Dr. apt ended at 11am. Yeah for me. So to relax we went over to Kierland. I like to go here and window shop and as we walked around I noticed these topiaries. They were all over and oh my goodness- So CUTE!


Allison and Nathan said...

That's good that he doesn't need glasses . . . yet. But he would look oh so cute in glasses!

Elisabeth said...

Nat- that sounds horrible! Glad he doesn't need glasses yet though. Hope things are going well with you guys.