Friday, July 30, 2010

Catch up

This summer has gone by so quickly and for some it is not over. I guess "summer" isn't over when school starts, it's still hot. I should say summer break is over. I went back to work on Thursday and this is going to be an interesting year in many ways. Duncan is going to a babysitter for two days a week, Nana and Papa two days and Grandma one day. So he will have a variety of venues to keep him busy. He is doing great. His top two teeth FINALLY broke through and that has seemed to bring him some relief. He isn't as whinny as he was anyway. The big thing is that he is trying to walk. He started by walking around things, then he started climbing over and through EVERYTHING!! Now he is standing and letting go of things and walking to them. I also see him trying to stand up from sitting position. I think in another week he will be walking. He is curious and adventurous and loves to open drawers and he can't stand for tables to have anything on them and feels it his job to clean them off. He is eating more and more solid food, he loves watermelon, peaches, cantaloupe, cheerios, nutrigrain bars are a new thing he loves and Goldfish. Oh and he loves pasta.

We took him back to the NICU this week as well to visit his neonatologist Dr. Naser and some of the nurses that took care of him. It was really nice to see them. They were so shocked by how big he is. He got his picture taken and they put it on the wall of NICU Graduates. It was strange at first walking down the hall that I walked everyday for three months and two weeks. Sometimes alone, sometimes with family and then this time with Duncan.

So now it is back to reality and the daily grind. I am going to miss my afternoon naps with Duncan. I'm just going to miss being with him all day.
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The O'Malley's said...

It was so fun to see Duncan when you brought him in to school next week. :) I'm glad your family had a fun summer going out and about!

Anonymous said...

He is soo cute, Nat!!

Allison and Nathan said...

Back to school already? We still have 3 weeks!