Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Totally Lost It!!

The last few days have been really hectic for me. Progress reports went home today just at the last minute. I hate waiting until the last minute to get my reports done and printed and ready for the kids to take home, in fact I NEVER wait until the last minute to get them done. Well, I had planned to finish them on Friday, but I had and unexpected illness and couldn't go to work. Monday I had to get a ride home and had to make sure my sub plans were ready before 4pm, so again I couldn't get my reports done. Yesterday I had a DR. apt. and didn't get them done. So there I am today racing to get them done. I had to get one last assignment in for Social Studies and realized I hadn't collected it yet. I told the class to get their desks put back (we had been doing an Earth Day activity) and as soon as they did they needed to bring me their assignment. I said it 5 TIMES and I am not exaggerating. There is always one in the class that just doesn't hear anything. Well, I then called all the students names that I didn't get it from. At this point it is 20 before the end of the day. I look over and the one girl that hasn't brought me her assignment is in a tug of war battle with another girl over a water bottle, she hasn't put her desk back (in 10 min.) and I stopped the battle and asked what she was doing and why hadn't she done anything. She looks at me with a blank stare. Then I told her to move her name to step 1 and here is where I lost it. SHE ROLLED HER EYES AT ME!!! This is like stabbing a teacher. You NEVER roll your eyes at the teacher. I lost it. I SCREAMED at her to get out of the classroom. The class fell dead silent. I was fuming. I also had a mom helper in the room. The rest of the class got out an assignment we had been working on and got to work. I told the mom(who is also a good friend) that in all my years of teaching I have never, ever yelled at a student like that. I have never had a reason to, no student would ever roll their eyes at me. I gave the student a referral and she lost all her points towards our field trip so she doesn't go.

Should I have reacted like that? Probably not. I am usually very level headed when it comes to behavior, but this kid just caught me at the wrong time.

Moral of the story- don't leave work until the last minute and never, ever roll your eyes at the teacher.


Greg and Nicole Jensen said...

I remember yelling at a student while I was teaching and pregnant. Add an eye roll in the mix and it is unavoidable. I bet she never rolls her eyes again, especially at a pregnant teacher.

The Williamses said...

I just had a Vietnam war flashback about the eye-rolling thing, just want to let you know. :-)

taylia said...

Great story! I can relate to what Nic said you remember when I had that student at Cactus that told me to That was a great one and then when I called the parents the Mom said well what did you do to make him say that to you????? Gotta loves those moments!

Sharla said...

I remember the times I've really lost it have been related to me being pregnant as well as something BIG happening (like the rolling the eyes) that triggered it. I always feel bad, but I still feel justified - pregnancy is a scary emotional ride! Just know you're not alone, this happens to the pregnant ladies!

rosie said...

We all do it at some point and I totally agree with you, eye rolling is one of the worst things you can do to a teacher. My kiddos in South L.A. are expert eye rollers. By now they know that the minute someone rolls their eyes there will be major consequences. My class suddenly goes all quiet and everyone starts doing their work as soon as they see someone rolling their eyes...the joys of teaching right???

love_suz said...

We all have our moments! I have a feeling she won"t roll her eyes again. Just a few more weeks!