Friday, December 17, 2010

'Tis the Season

I wish I could say "oh, I totally thought of this myself." But honestly I got this whole idea from another blog. The deer I got at Joann's for only $11.99, all the Christmas stuff is on clearance. I bought the letters at Michael's.
This green tree comes from Hobby Lobby, it too was 50% off for only $8.00. I got the ornaments at Target $5.00 for the set. I had the basket, candles and filling. The little birds are candles that I got at Cost Plus World Market.
I got these cute snowmen at Home Goods for $6.00. I love them. They are made of felt and they just look perfect on my mirrors mantle.
This is Duncan's ornament from last year. It is just too cute.
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Mozart . . .maybe

Duncan loves to play the piano at Nan & Papa's house. The first thing he does is go to the piano and play. He really likes anything with buttons.
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Wildlife World Zoo

I took Duncan to the Wildlife World Zoo before Thanksgiving. Let me just say that I had never been here and I fell in love with it. See this kangaroo? Notice where he is in regards to the rope fence? Yes, he is on the walking path. You can get that close to them. This one was really big and I didn't want to get that close. I'm no dummy, I've seen America's Funniest Home videos of people getting beat up by a kangaroo. I love this next one, see the joey eating. It was so cute.

This cheetah was in a cage above our heads. I think that was so cool that you could walk under him.
There were birds everywhere. This macaw was so pretty! I love all his beautiful feathers. There was a beautiful feather in one of the cages and I just wish it was close enough I could have grabbed it. So pretty.

This zoo also has an aquarium full of fish, frogs, eels, penguins, and sting rays. We got to pet the sting rays, they were really cool. They were like dogs, one kept coming up and splashing to get petted. I loved this zoo, and it is really close to our house.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Missing People

This is a hard time of year when we don't have the people with us that we love. I have already cried thinking of my grandpa, who I miss even though he passed away almost 9 years ago. I think of my friends and pray for their comfort as they go through this season without their babies. It makes me sad that I have friends that have lost a baby. I miss my brothers and their families that live out of state. And then I think of my dear friend Taylia who suddenly passed away earlier this year, and leaves behind 4 beautiful children and a wonderful husband. I was going through a drawer and found some pictures from a singles ward Christmas party from forever ago, and found a picture of Taylia and Jeff. That was the first time they started talking and then they started dating and then were married. Today I was taking more Christmas decorations out and found these stories that Taylia made for me years ago. It was a 12 Days of Christmas gift, a story for 12 days up to Christmas. Even though Taylia and I didn't talk often, she was still a great friend. She always sent me a Christmas card and pictures of her family. They were in China when she passed away. I still have the cards she sent each year.

Great people come into our lives at the right time and she came into mine when I needed a great friend and example.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Candlelight - The Maccabeats - Hanukkah

If you haven't seen this yet, you have to watch it!! So awesome!