I liked the paper that I got, it had a couple pages of vintage looking pictures from Valentines. (click on pictures to see better)
I like the lace under the red button, I just pletted it and glued and it turned out so well.
In January I was feeling very crafty and had gone to Michael's and saw this cute garland made of tied fabric and I thought- I could make that. Then I was looking at this children's book that had a Valentine's garland made of hearts and thought -I like that. And I came up with this idea to make a Valentine garland with both. I went to Michael's and found cute paper and then thought I can cut hearts out it will be fun. Then I discovered that I have a Cricut program that cuts hearts-Bonus!! I didn't have to do them by hand. My mom is really into making cards so I asked for her help and she not only helped me, but let me use most of her supplies.
So how did I do it? I picked the paper that I liked and used my cricut cutter and cut hearts of different sizes. I then glued them on to cereal boxes that I flattened out, and then cut them out again. This gives them some strength without making them too bulky or heavy and cereal boxes cut easily(plus it is recycling-always a good thing). I used glitter, buttons and all the fun things that my mom had. Each heart took some time to do. I really like how the glitter makes it pop. I went through my fabric and pulled out the pinks, whites and reds and tore them into strips, I used white cord that I got at Hobby Lobby. I hole punched a hole on each side of the heart and strung the cord through the back leaving spaces between each for the fabric and ribbon strips. Then I tied the ribbon and fabric in each section in no particular order or amount.
This project was cheaper than buying a garland. The paper came in a package and cost under $9, the cord was $2 and I had the fabric. After I finished I thought-I should have take pictures of how to make a heart. Next time. It is now hanging and I will put pictures up on another day of my Valentine's display.