Friday, May 14, 2010


The day has finally come, Duncan has turned ONE!!!!

This has been a loooong year, and I have never been so glad for a babies birthday. In one more week he will be free to roam about the state. He can go places and we are doing it big. We are taking Duncan to Disneyland on the 23rd for a week. We need a vacation and we couldn't think of a better place to go. We are very excited to see how Duncan reacts when he sees all the characters and people. He is a sweet little boy and is already full of mischief. He has already started the destruction faze by breaking a box shelf I had taken down; he managed to pull it down and it broke. He is all over the place and loves to try to pet the dogs, the dogs really appreciate it.
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Jessica said...

happy birthday to duncan!

Allison and Nathan said...

Happy Birthday Duncan! Woo hoo!