Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's a Superman Birthday

Duncan is free and we celebrated big. It was a Superman party for a baby that is a little Superman himself. It has been a rough year-full of ups and downs, but we are so excited that Duncan is well and able to go out and have fun now. We had a big party for him. Lots of friends and family that haven't met him came for the occation. We had delicious Honey Bears BBQ (symbolic since we ate there a few times while he was in the hospital), and other yummy food. I know my family members that live in other states are really jealous since they missed the BBQ. Oh, Duncan weighs 21lbs 4oz and is 291/4 in. long-and he likes to grab for everything. Nothing is safe anymore.
I started planning his party back in Februray and kept going back and forth on the theme, but then decided that he really needed a Superman theme. A little trivia, Superman is one of the hardest copyrighted franchises-meaning that they don't make a lot of superman stuff because people have a hard time getting permission to make it. So I had to get creative, and luckily my sister told me that Cricut made a Superman program. So I bought it and started cutting things out. I made the symbol you see on the table, I made a Happy Birthday banner(I will put that picture up later) and the cute little cape that Duncan is wearing. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of work too, but again, that's why I planned ahead.
I made his cake (with a little help from Aunt Heather). It was yummy-I guess because it was just for Duncan.
This is what I created and put for center pieces. (the capes and symbol are from the Cricut program).The weather had been hot here, but then on Saturday it cooled down and brought the wind with it. It was almost impossible to get the table tops on. I think the parents hated me for these center pieces, their kids kept eating the candy-oh well, its a party and that's what the candy was for. (the jelly beans are Kryponite and the licorice is just cute cuz it's red!)
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Allison and Nathan said...

We are jealous, but just because we didn't get to see Duncan at his birthday party!

andreamatrix said...

HOW ADORABLE! So sorry I missed it. Had a bit of a family emergency where I had to drop everything and go to Idaho Falls for a week and a half.