Sunday, October 26, 2008

The BIG Cheez

These are my two punk nephews. They are characters that is for sure. On our way back to Arlington from Maine, these two road in the car with me and Nana and Papa. I thought it was because they wanted to spend time with me, but I later learned that A is not an easy baby to travel with as she screams a lot. Needless to say, I think they just wanted out of the van.
But that is not my story here. As we were driving back, Nicky and Noah wanted to tell stories. We decided that we would take turns. I told a story, then Noah told a short story in which he restructured my story to make his own, and then Nicky told a story. I told scary stories and Nicky told stories about Cheese. It was very funny. Sumo Bob and the cheese, parts 1,2 and 3. We had some good laughs and enjoyed our trip back home.

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Elisabeth said...

You can blame the whole cheese thing on Uncle Jonnie. I think the pie was his own though. I had to remind him yesterday to stop randomly writing the word cheese on his school papers because his teacher kept leaving question marks by it!
Glad you had fun with those two crazy kooks!