Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I've been tagged

The Rules:
1. Link the person(s) who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 Unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

Okay, my friend Natalee tagged me and I had to really think about this because of course I have no weird quirks. ;)

1) I hate mushrooms. They disgust me, even the smell, and the texture. YUCKY!!

2) I also hate pinto beans and will only eat refried beans if they are completely mashed up. But I do like black beans and cannalli beans-this is a new thing, I would never eat any type of bean for years.

3) I used to never share my deodorant with anyone, not even my mom. Gross. I have gotten over this so if you ever need deodorant, you can use mine.

4) When I cook rice, I don't measure the water to rice ration. I learned a way to cook it on my mission in the rice cooker and it comes out perfect every time.

5) I have to put my groceries on the belt in a certain order and I can't mix the produce with the frozen goods, or dry goods. They all have to be together categorically.

6) I hate to talk on the phone. I know, I'm a woman I should love it, but I hate to talk on the phone when I have nothing to talk about. Also because I talk all day and I am tired of talking at the end of the day.

Okay there are my 6 quirky things and now I tag my sister Suzi, Elisabeth, Jill, Allison, Taylia, Stephanie


Jill said...

I'll do it. It will take me a while to think of anything quirky about myself though..ha. Funny about the mushrooms though. I was thinking of stuffed mushrooms for our next party, so I'll have to think of something else.

andreamatrix said... photoshop. Open what ever picture it is that you want. Save it as a jpeg file. You can just save it under My Pictures or in any file under My Pictures. Then you just upload it like as usual. If this doesn't help let me know. :)


Jessica said...

The groceries...really?

Natalie said...

Jess, I know I just got so annoyed with how they bagged my groceries, that I had to organize them on the belt.