Sunday, May 3, 2009

Baby is Growing

I realized I haven't put pictures on in a little while and I have a few that I need to catch up on. Here is my belly at the beginning of my 6th month. We went to our big ultra sound and they said he was 14oz. and everything was normal. I'm really hoping he isn't a huge baby, but I'm a little nervous after finding out Justin was an 8lb. baby. I really don't want to have a C-section, but I'm not sure how I feel about birthing a baby that big. Later that week Justin and I went to my parents house and there was a box waiting for me. It was from my sister-in-law in Boston, Elisabeth. It was full of adorable baby boy clothes. She had a few things wrapped and these onsies were included. They are sooo cute. I love them. Elisabeth made these and I love the one with the 'd' for Duncan and the scottie (I love all of them, but there my favorite).
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Elisabeth said...

Your belly is really cute, and you can totally have an 8 pounder! If I can do it, you can do it! That's what epidurals are for. I'm glad you liked your baby things, I had fun making them. Thanks for your note. I wish I could be there to meet him right when he's born!

Amy Denton Benites said...

You look so beautiful with baby belly Nat! I am so excited for you, and I hope to meet him after he's born! So are you going to name him Duncan? I know that you can do it. You're going to be a great mom. Don't worry! You've learned from some of the best. :) Love you.