Saturday, August 15, 2009

no more face gear

Duncan is OFF the oxygen!! They just took him off yesterday and he made it through the night without having to go back on it. This is a huge step. I am so grateful for his Dr. that pushed so hard to get him off, but at his pace. I think he is ready to get out of there. I know I am ready for him to come home. As long as he stays off he should be coming home this next week. I'm not sure if he will have to stay until his eye exam on Wed. or if they will let us bring him back for that.
He is taking formula now. I dried up. I tried so hard not to let it happen, but I just couldn't pump enough at work, even with people watching my class for me. They ran out of milk and I had no more to give them. Remember when I was thinking of getting rid of it? Well, I'm really glad I didn't. I am sad about it, but I did get to breastfeed him a couple of times. My sister and I talked about it and we think it just might have been too much if I tried to breastfeed him. He got 3 months worth and that seems like a good amount to me and the Dr. and his primary nurse were supportive.

This little baby that started out at 1lb. 12oz. is now 6lbs. 4oz. He is a chunky little man. He snores which is too cute and he is a noisy eater. I love him and can't believe that he is so close to coming home. I don't feel like motherhood has really started for me. When he is here at home is when I think it will finally start to feel real.

P.S. I think he looks like my brother Ben

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Greg and Nicole Jensen said...

I am so happy for you guys. He is adorably.....getting baby fever again.....

Allison and Nathan said...

You're right - in that picture, he looks just like Ben!

ellen said...

Way to go Duncan! I saw Ben today and yep, he does look like him!!

Jessica said...

he looks so great! i was only able to nurse carter for about 4 months-i had the same issue as you--i think you just do the best you can and move on, so good job!

andreamatrix said...

I think the bottle ROCKS! So what's going on with your gall-blatter? (sp?) Do you have to have surgery? When does he get to come home?