Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Big Boy. . . Sort of

My big boy bed
Me being swaddled with my buddy close by-this really makes him look like a little peanut!
My first cute outfit to wear

Duncan got moved into a "big boy" bed during the night. He is able to keep his body temperature where it needs to be on his own so he was moved into a crib type bed. He looks so cute in it. It makes him look so little, well more than he is. Being out of an isolet means that he gets to wear clothes and he gets swaddled, which he loves. He is doing good. If his blood gas tests continue to come back good then they will start weening him off the CPAP. I don't think he will be off of it for another week or so. He tends to move forward and then take a step back. So I'm hoping they don't take him off of this too soon. I really don't want them to have to inti bate him again, and I'm sure he wouldn't like it either. We're going to go buy him a mobile to put on his bed, and I think when we are done with it we will donate it to the NYICU, I think they could use those.

He loves his bed and so do I because it means I can hear him cry more. I know that sounds strange, but when you haven't been able to hear your baby cry for almost two months, it is a sweet sound. It also means that I can give him kisses!! He loves his binky and he loves to look at me, close his eyes and then quickly open them again to see if I am still there. I tried to kangaroo care him the other day and it just didn't go well. It is really hard to do with the CPAP in, he can pull it out easily and I can't see him to put it back in. The outfit he has on is a preemie and it still swallows him. We had to fold the arms because they were too long. He is 3lbs. 9oz. He did go down, but Justin and I think the blood is what made him weigh so much before. He is adorable and precious and I just love him and can't wait until he is moved into the intermediate room, that just means one step closer to going home.
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ellen said...

Congrats on the Big Boy Bed, Duncan!!

Greg and Nicole Jensen said...

I loved swaddled babies. I love his preemie gown too. Easy access for diaper changes!

andreamatrix said...

What in the net is that thing on his head? I've never seen anything like it. I'm so SO happy that you finally get to hear his little voice. Miss you!

Allison and Nathan said...

What a big boy!